The Group Counseling program at Counseling & Psychological Services includes offerings that can help students learn skills, manage distress, and/or build community. The three categories of groups are listed below. Some things to keep in mind:

  • There is no additional cost for groups. CAPS services are covered by your student fees!
  • Some groups require a different level of commitment ranging from drop-in once to quarter-long. 
  • Some groups require a pre-screen to ensure that the group is a good fit for your needs.
  • If you are currently located outside of California, your ability to attend may depend on your specific location. 
  • Some group descriptions fit more than one category so they are listed multiple times. 

Please read through the information for the group(s) you are interested in. If you have any questions, please contact CAPS at (805) 893-4411.

Full list of Fall 2024 Groups will be shared closer to the beginning of the quarter in September. 

Psychoeducation & Skills Groups

These groups focus on teaching content and skills that can help students manage mental health concerns. 

Community Groups

Identity-specific groups offer individuals with shared visible and invisible or hidden identities a space to process current issues, provide support to one another, and build community. 

Interpersonal Process Groups

These groups offer students an opportunity to process concerns and seek support from peers, as well as a chance to practice social skill building and connecting with others. 


Glossary of Group Counseling terms:

Drop-in - student can choose to attend just one session or multiple. No expectation of attendance. May still require an initial registration to get Zoom link access
Series - while not a "process group," information being shared builds on itself and it is beneficial to be able to attend all sessions
Pre-screen - a short (typically 15-30 minute) appointment with the group leader(s) to ensure that the group you are interested in is a good fit for your needs. These can be scheduled by calling (805) 893-4411 or by submitting a Services Request Form
Google request form - each group has a link to a Google Form for registration. This helps keep track of interest and group leaders can reach out with Zoom links and group updates. These will not prompt a pre-screen appointment - those need to be scheduled separately
[CLOSED] - this denotes when a group is full, and signups are closed for the quarter. Usually the group will open signups again near the beginning of the next quarter.
[WAITLIST] - this denotes when a group is full, and students are welcome to signup to be put on a waitlist. 

Psychoeducation & Skills Groups

These groups focus on teaching content and skills that can help students manage mental health concerns. 

Date/Time: Thursdays, 2-4pm
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: In-person, TBA
Leaders: Laina Pauker, LCSW, & Julia Pennick, MSW (CARE)
Are you looking for a break from screen time, a creative space to explore your artisitc process, reduce your stress, and connect with others? In this therapeutic art group you can expect to start each session by selecting art materials to experiment with. Depending on your needs and preference, you are invited to chat with others while you work or take some time for yourself. Each session will close with debriefing about your process that day, any takeaways, and goals for the future. Materials are provided. No experience necessary.

Click here to submit interest for Summer 2024 

Date/Time: Wednesday, 2:30-4pm
Prescreen required: Yes
Drop-in: No
Location: Student Health Services Classroom
Co-Leaders: Ashley Gilmore, LMFT, Jennifer Taylor, LMFT (ADP) 
This didactic group that helps students adopt coping skills in the areas of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. A significant focus of this group is psycho-education of emotions and DBT skills training, with mindfulness interwoven in each workshop. The goal of this group is to help students expand their repertoire of emotional management strategies while learning to effectively implement these tools in their lives. Students also have the opportunity to connect with and support their peers as they learn with and from each other. Helpful for a range of issues: Depression, anxiety, stress, mood instability, irritability, feelings of emptiness, identity issues, anger issues, intense or chaotic relationships, impulsivity, substance use concerns, eating disorders, suicidal and self-harming behavior.

Click here to submit interest for Fall 2024

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 2-3pm
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: Zoom
Co-Leaders: Jocelyn Levitan, Ph.D., Jess Lin, M.A., Katherine Jo, M.A., & Mental Health Peers
This 6-week workshop is designed for students with ADHD-related difficulties to learn strategies for academic and personal well-being. These workshops offer a supportive, collaborative environment where students are encouraged to share experiences and practice new skills. Topics include: Understanding Strengths and Weakness of an ADHD Brain, Time Management, Goal Setting, Procrastination, Motivation, Working with your Attention Span, Adaptive Thinking, Coping Skills, Emotion Regulation, Accommodations, and Self-Advocacy.

*While students are encouraged to attend every session, drop-ins are welcome.* *You do not need to have an ADHD diagnosis to attend this workshop.* 

Click here to submit interest for Fall 2024

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 1:30-3pm
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: Zoom
Leaders: Caitlin Allaway, Psy.D. & Sara Assaad, Psy.D.
This is an online, goal-oriented group for students who want to learn how to better manage their current substance use. We will cover a gamut of relapse prevention techniques and harm reduction strategies. Students seeking support with abstinence and/or harm reduction are welcome. This group will be a safe space to find support and build a recovery community. No pre-screen required. **While students are encouraged to attend every session, drop-ins are welcome**

Click here to submit interest for Summer 2024

Date/Time: Thursday, 10:30-11:30am
Prescreen required: Yes
Drop-in: No
Location: Zoom
Co-Leaders: Steffanie Tinsley, Ph.D.
This 7-week semi-structured group is for survivors of Interpersonal Violence (sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, child abuse) who would like to gain an understanding of how trauma continues to affect them and connect with others who have been through similar traumatic experiences. Group members will not be prompted to share their trauma story, as this group will focus more on the different ways in which traumatic experiences have impacted them, discuss coping skills and ways to manage trauma symptoms, and provide a safe space for members to feel less isolated/alone and more empowered to take charge of their own healing process. This group will heavily emphasize safety, self-compassion, and support, and is open to students of all genders and identities.

Click here to submit interest for Fall 2024 

Community Groups

Identity-specific groups offer individuals with shared visible and invisible or hidden identities a space to process current issues, provide support to one another, and build community. 

Date/Time: Tuesdays, 2-3:15pm
Prescreen required: Yes
Drop-in: No
Location: Main CAPS Building
Co-Leaders: Jocelyn Levitan, Ph.D.
The support group is a space for ADHDers (formally or informally diagnosed) to connect, support one another, and share strategies and wisdom learned from navigating the UCSB system, finding interpersonal connection, and managing daily life. This space will also be a space to celebrate the strengths of an ADHD brain and connecting with other neurodivergent folx that uniquely “get it.”
Discussion topics will be guided by the group members needs, but possible topics may include understanding the ADHD brain, increasing executive skills, self-advocacy in the face of oppressive systems, the neurodiversity movement, self-compassion, emotion-regulation, mindfulness, and rejection sensitivity dysphoria.
This will be a closed group in that you will be asked to commit to attending all group sessions so that you can build connection and have accountability. If interested, please sign up with the link below and I will reach out to you to schedule a 20-minute pre-screen to determine goodness of fit.

Click here to submit interest for Fall 2024 

Date/Time: Thursdays, 10-11am
Prescreen required: Yes
Drop-in: No
Location: Main CAPS Building
Co-Leaders: Jocelyn Levitan, Ph.D. & Katherine Jo, M.A.
The support group is a space for GRADUATE STUDENT ADHDers (formally or informally diagnosed) to connect, support one another, and share strategies and wisdom learned from navigating the UCSB system, finding interpersonal connection, and managing daily life. This space will also be a space to celebrate the strengths of an ADHD brain and connecting with other neurodivergent folx that uniquely “get it.”
Discussion topics will be guided by the group members needs, but possible topics may include understanding the ADHD brain, increasing executive skills, self-advocacy in the face of oppressive systems, the neurodiversity movement, self-compassion, emotion-regulation, mindfulness, and rejection sensitivity dysphoria.
This will be a closed group in that you will be asked to commit to attending all group sessions so that you can build connection and have accountability. If interested, please sign up with the link below and I will reach out to you to schedule a 20-minute pre-screen to determine goodness of fit.

Click here to submit interest for Summer or Fall 2024

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 2:30-4pm 
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: OISS Conference Room (SRB 3rd floor)
Leaders: Xin Sui, Psy.D. & Cristina Carney (OISS)
This weekly social circle provides a casual and safe space for international students to connect and support one another. International students will have the opportunity to share (or vent) their daily experience or/and challenges. This is also a space for students to recognize their strengths and receive guidance and resources. 

*Please sign up if interested or if you have questions/concerns
*Students are welcome to join at any point in the quarter and do not need to attend every week

Click here to submit your interest for Fall 2024

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 12-1:30pm
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: Participants will receive location information
Co-Leaders: Carla Corral, Ph.D. & Raul Poblano, MSW
This weekly dialogue provides a safe space for ChicanX/LatinX identified students to support each other and recognize their strengths. This group will explore the role that cultural heritage plays in psychological and academic wellbeing. ChicanX/LatinX students will have the opportunity to talk about culture and diversity, family, identity, belonging, financial literacy, healthy relationships, navigating the university, our current socio-political environment, and what it means to be a ChicanX/LatinX college student.

Click here to submit your interest for Summer 2024 

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 5-6pm
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: AdCRC
Leaders: Dominique Broussard, Ph.D. and Tara Jones, Ph.D.
Sister Circle is a weekly drop-in support space for Black womxn. This is a discussion-based group to receive support and feedback from similarly identified womxn within a safe and nurturing environment.

Click here to submit your interest for Fall 2024

Date/Time: Thursdays, 3:30-5pm
Prescreen required: Yes
Drop-in: No
Location: OISS Conference Room (SRB 3rd Floor)
Leaders: Dana Campagna, Ph.D.
TransFormative is a group for trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, gender fluid, gender queer and other gender questioning/exploring students to meet others, share and process, heal and help one another, and find/practice community in a safe, co-created, therapeutic and celebrating space. Topics may include trans identity, transitioning, internalized transphobia/negativity, friends and family, gender and physiological dysphorias, HRT and gender congruent procedures, community building, dating, self compassion, empowerment, and many others. 15 minute pre-screens are required; max 10 participants.

Click here to submit interest for Fall 2024

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 2-3:15pm
Prescreen required: Yes, if not known to group leader
Drop-in: No
Location: Main CAPS Building
Leaders: Gianna Galindo, Ph.D.
This is a group for the LGBTQ community to address concerns, challenges and triumphs. This is a safe space to check in with others about their experiences, explore your identity, whether you are questioning or clear about your identity, thinking about coming out, or want support in general.  Connect with others in the community. All topics are on the table. This group is for both undergraduate and graduate students.  Pre-screen required. 

Click here to submit your interest for Fall 2024

Date/Time: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: In person (CAPS Building)
Leaders: Sara Villegas, Ph.D. & Raul Poblano, ACSW
This is an online support group for undocumented students where we will foster social connection, talk about the psychological impact of oppression, explore using 'culture' as a resource, support healing from racial, immigration, and intergenerational trauma when present, learn new skills to manage stress, support wellness, and build agency and empowerment. Please sign up if interested or if you have questions and would like to be contacted. Students welcome at any point in the quarter.

Click here to submit interest for Fall 2024 

Date/Time: Wednesdays, 2:30-4pm 
Prescreen required: No
Drop-in: Yes
Location: OISS Conference Room (SRB 3rd floor)
Leaders: Xin Sui, Psy.D. 
This in-person, drop-in workshop is designed for Mandarin-speaking graduate students to have consistent support. In this group, members will have a space to use their native language to share the challenges they face as they navigate graduate programs. This group is an opportunity to build community, meet Mandarin-speaking peers from other departments, connect and support one another, and learn tangible tools for navigating graduate students' related stressors. Topics may include adjustment concerns, coping with stress, navigating relationships with peers/colleagues/mentors, and so much more! *Please sign up if interested or if you have questions/concerns

Click here to submit your interest for Summer 2024

Interpersonal Process Groups

These groups offer students an opportunity to process concerns and seek support from peers, as well as a chance to practice social skill building and connecting with others.

Full list of Fall 2024 groups will be listed closer to September/beginning of the quarter. 

To access a list of student-led recovery meetings and community offerings, please click here. Many of these meetings are held either via Zoom and/or in the Gauchos for Recovery lounge at Embarcadero Hall in Isla Vista. 

To access Mental Health Peer Program offerings, please visit their website at