If you are in need of consultation regarding how to approach the topic of grief with your class or if you would like to talk to a mental health professional specifically about the IV tragedy in connection with your academic responsibilities, please contact Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at 805-893-4411. CAPS is happy to provide individualized outreach and consultation to faculty, staff, and teaching assistants.

If you are an instructor or faculty member who would like instructional strategies following a campus tragedy, please download this document from Instructional Development.

If you are concerned about a student in distress, please contact Student Mental Health Coordination Services at 805-893-3030 or visit their website. For more information on how to respond to a student in distress, please review the Distressed Student Protocol or the UCSB Red Folder.

If you are in need of personal support regarding grief or the IV tragedy, please contact the Academic & Staff Assistance Program at 805-893-3318 or visit their website for more information. Pathways to Healing programming specific to faculty & staff will be provided throughout the year.