UC SHIP will no longer cover services with Lyra Health as of August 1, 2024.

You are able to continue care with your current Lyra provider until the contract expires on July 31, 2024. Any care beyond this date WILL REQUIRE AN ACTIVE UC SHIP REFERRAL to a provider who accepts UC SHIP.  

Lyra Health Case Study | Searchlight

PLEASE NOTE: Most practitioners accept more than one type of insurance. If you wish to continue with your current provider, you can ask if they accept UC SHIP insurance. If so, you can have CAPS create a new SHIP referral so that you can continue working with your provider (contact CAPS at CAPSReferrals@sa.ucsb.edu for assistance). Your provider will need to begin billing SHIP insurance starting from August 1, 2024 using your SHIP referral information.

If your provider does not accept UC SHIP insurance and you wish to begin treatment with a new provider, CAPS can provide alternate mental health treatment options outside of Lyra and generate a UC SHIP insurance referral. 

We realize this can be a difficult process to navigate and CAPS is happy to assist you. Please contact CAPS if you'd like assistance finding a new provider and/or need a SHIP referral before July 31, 2024 or at any time. Your mental health is important, and we will work with you to ensure you receive the treatment you need moving forward.

  • Reach out to UCSB Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) to access care on-campus or to be referred to an off-campus Anthem provider.
  • Visit the Anthem website to conduct a provider search or contact Anthem Member Services via (866) 940-8306 for additional support once a referral is received from UCSB CAPS.